lvmdbusd(8) — Linux manual page


LVMDBUSD(8)              System Manager's Manual             LVMDBUSD(8)

NAME         top

       lvmdbusd — LVM D-Bus daemon

SYNOPSIS         top

       lvmdbusd [--debug] [--udev]

DESCRIPTION         top

       lvmdbusd  is  a service which provides a D-Bus API to the logical
       volume manager (LVM).  Run lvmdbusd(8) as root.

OPTIONS         top

       --debug Enable debug statements

       --udev  Use udev events to trigger updates

SEE ALSO         top

       dbus-send(1), lvm(8)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the lvm2 (Logical Volume Manager 2) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for
       this manual page, see ⟨⟩.
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-11.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

Red Hat Inc       LVM TOOLS 2.03.15(2)-git (2021-10-20)      LVMDBUSD(8)

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