tracefs_sql(3) — Linux manual page


LIBTRACEFS(3)               libtracefs Manual               LIBTRACEFS(3)

NAME         top

       tracefs_sql - Create a synthetic event via an SQL statement

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <tracefs.h>

       struct tracefs_synth *tracefs_sql(struct tep_handle *tep, const char *name,
                                               const char *sql_buffer, char **err);

DESCRIPTION         top

       Synthetic events are dynamically created events that attach two
       existing events together via one or more matching fields between
       the two events. It can be used to find the latency between the
       events, or to simply pass fields of the first event on to the
       second event to display as one event.

       The Linux kernel interface to create synthetic events is complex,
       and there needs to be a better way to create synthetic events that
       is easy and can be understood via existing technology.

       If you think of each event as a table, where the fields are the
       column of the table and each instance of the event as a row, you
       can understand how SQL can be used to attach two events together
       and form another event (table). Utilizing the SQL SELECT FROM JOIN
       ON [ WHERE ] syntax, a synthetic event can easily be created from
       two different events.

       For simple SQL queries to make a histogram instead of a synthetic
       event, see HISTOGRAMS below.

       tracefs_sql() takes in a tep handler (See tep_local_events(3))
       that is used to verify the events within the sql_buffer
       expression. The name is the name of the synthetic event to create.
       If err points to an address of a string, it will be filled with a
       detailed message on any type of parsing error, including fields
       that do not belong to an event, or if the events or fields are not
       properly compared.

       The example program below is a fully functional parser where it
       will create a synthetic event from a SQL syntax passed in via the
       command line or a file.

       The SQL format is as follows:

       SELECT <fields> FROM <start-event> JOIN <end-event> ON
       <matching-fields> WHERE <filter>

       Note, although the examples show the SQL commands in uppercase,
       they are not required to be so. That is, you can use "SELECT" or
       "select" or "sElEct".

       For example:

           SELECT syscalls.sys_enter_read.fd, syscalls.sys_exit_read.ret FROM syscalls.sys_enter_read
              JOIN syscalls.sys_exit_read
              ON syscalls.sys_enter_read.common_pid = syscalls.sys_exit_write.common_pid

       Will create a synthetic event that with the fields:

           u64 fd; s64 ret;

       Because the function takes a tep handle, and usually all event
       names are unique, you can leave off the system (group) name of the
       event, and tracefs_sql() will discover the system for you.

       That is, the above statement would work with:

           SELECT sys_enter_read.fd, sys_exit_read.ret FROM sys_enter_read JOIN sys_exit_read
              ON sys_enter_read.common_pid = sys_exit_write.common_pid

       The AS keyword can be used to name the fields as well as to give
       an alias to the events, such that the above can be simplified even
       more as:

           SELECT start.fd, end.ret FROM sys_enter_read AS start JOIN sys_exit_read AS end ON start.common_pid = end.common_pid

       The above aliases sys_enter_read as start and sys_exit_read as end
       and uses those aliases to reference the event throughout the

       Using the AS keyword in the selection portion of the SQL statement
       will define what those fields will be called in the synthetic

           SELECT start.fd AS filed, end.ret AS return FROM sys_enter_read AS start JOIN sys_exit_read AS end
              ON start.common_pid = end.common_pid

       The above labels the fd of start as filed and the ret of end as
       return where the synthetic event that is created will now have the

           u64 filed; s64 return;

       The fields can also be calculated with results passed to the
       synthetic event:

           select start.truesize, end.len, (start.truesize - end.len) as diff from napi_gro_receive_entry as start
              JOIN netif_receive_skb as end ON start.skbaddr = end.skbaddr

       Which would show the truesize of the napi_gro_receive_entry event,
       the actual len of the content, shown by the netif_receive_skb, and
       the delta between the two and expressed by the field diff.

       The code also supports recording the timestamps at either event,
       and performing calculations on them. For wakeup latency, you have:

           select, (end.TIMESTAMP_USECS - start.TIMESTAMP_USECS) as lat from sched_waking as start
              JOIN sched_switch as end ON = end.next_pid

       The above will create a synthetic event that records the pid of
       the task being woken up, and the time difference between the
       sched_waking event and the sched_switch event. The TIMESTAMP_USECS
       will truncate the time down to microseconds as the timestamp
       usually recorded in the tracing buffer has nanosecond resolution.
       If you do not want that truncation, use TIMESTAMP instead of

       Because it is so common to have:

              (end.TIMESTAMP_USECS - start.TIMESTAMP_USECS)

       The above can be represented with TIMESTAMP_DELTA_USECS or if
       nanoseconds are OK, you can use TIMESTAMP_DELTA. That is, the
       previous select can also be represented by:

           select, TIMESTAMP_DELTA_USECS as lat from sched_waking as start JOIN sched_switch as end ON = end.next_pid

       Finally, the WHERE clause can be added, that will let you add
       filters on either or both events.

           select, (end.TIMESTAMP_USECS - start.TIMESTAMP_USECS) as lat from sched_waking as start
              JOIN sched_switch as end ON = end.next_pid
              WHERE start.prio < 100 && (!(end.prev_pid < 1 || end.prev_prio > 100) || end.prev_pid == 0)


       Although both events can be used together in the WHERE clause,
       they must not be mixed outside the top most "&&" statements. You
       can not OR (||) the events together, where a filter of one event
       is OR’d to a filter of the other event. This does not make sense,
       as the synthetic event requires both events to take place to be
       recorded. If one is filtered out, then the synthetic event does
       not execute.

           select, (end.TIMESTAMP_USECS - start.TIMESTAMP_USECS) as lat from sched_waking as start
              JOIN sched_switch as end ON = end.next_pid
              WHERE start.prio < 100 && end.prev_prio < 100

       The above is valid.

       Where as the below is not.

           select, (end.TIMESTAMP_USECS - start.TIMESTAMP_USECS) as lat from sched_waking as start
              JOIN sched_switch as end ON = end.next_pid
              WHERE start.prio < 100 || end.prev_prio < 100

       If the kernel supports it, you can pass around a stacktrace
       between events.

           select start.prev_pid as pid, (end.TIMESTAMP_USECS - start.TIMESTAMP_USECS) as delta, start.STACKTRACE as stack
              FROM sched_switch as start JOIN sched_switch as end ON start.prev_pid = end.next_pid
              WHERE start.prev_state == 2

       The above will record a stacktrace when a task is in the
       UNINTERRUPTIBLE (blocked) state, and trigger the synthetic event
       when it is scheduled back in, recording the time delta that it was
       blocked for. It will record the stacktrace of where it was when it
       scheduled out along with the delta.


       In some cases, an event may have a keyword. For example,
       regcache_drop_region has "from" as a field and the following will
       not work

             select from from regcache_drop_region

       In such cases, add a backslash to the conflicting field, and this
       will tell the parser that the "from" is a field and not a keyword:

             select \from from regcache_drop_region

HISTOGRAMS         top

       Simple SQL statements without the JOIN ON may also be used, which
       will create a histogram instead. When doing this, the struct
       tracefs_hist descriptor can be retrieved from the returned
       synthetic event descriptor via the

       In order to utilize the histogram types (see xxx) the CAST command
       of SQL can be used.

       That is:

             select CAST(common_pid AS comm), CAST(id AS syscall) FROM sys_enter

       Which produces:

            # echo 'hist:keys=common_pid.execname,id.syscall' > events/raw_syscalls/sys_enter/trigger

            # cat events/raw_syscalls/sys_enter/hist

           { common_pid: bash            [     18248], id: sys_setpgid                   [109] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: sendmail        [      1812], id: sys_read                      [  0] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: bash            [     18247], id: sys_getpid                    [ 39] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: bash            [     18247], id: sys_dup2                      [ 33] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: gmain           [     13684], id: sys_inotify_add_watch         [254] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: cat             [     18247], id: sys_access                    [ 21] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: bash            [     18248], id: sys_getpid                    [ 39] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: cat             [     18247], id: sys_fadvise64                 [221] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: sendmail        [      1812], id: sys_openat                    [257] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: less            [     18248], id: sys_munmap                    [ 11] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: sendmail        [      1812], id: sys_close                     [  3] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: gmain           [      1534], id: sys_poll                      [  7] } hitcount:          1
           { common_pid: bash            [     18247], id: sys_execve                    [ 59] } hitcount:          1

       Note, string fields may not be cast.

       The possible types to cast to are:

       HEX - convert the value to use hex and not decimal

       SYM - convert a pointer to symbolic (kallsyms values)

       SYM-OFFSET - convert a pointer to symbolic and include the offset.

       SYSCALL - convert the number to the mapped system call name

       EXECNAME or COMM - can only be used with the common_pid field.
       Will show the task name of the process.

       LOG or LOG2 - bucket the key values in a log 2 values (1, 2, 3-4,
       5-8, 9-16, 17-32, ...)

       The above fields are not case sensitive, and "LOG2" works as good
       as "log".

       A special CAST to COUNTER or COUNTER will make the field a value
       and not a key. For example:

             SELECT common_pid, CAST(bytes_req AS _COUNTER_) FROM kmalloc

       Which will create

             echo 'hist:keys=common_pid:vals=bytes_req' > events/kmem/kmalloc/trigger

             cat events/kmem/kmalloc/hist

           { common_pid:       1812 } hitcount:          1  bytes_req:         32
           { common_pid:       9111 } hitcount:          2  bytes_req:        272
           { common_pid:       1768 } hitcount:          3  bytes_req:       1112
           { common_pid:          0 } hitcount:          4  bytes_req:        512
           { common_pid:      18297 } hitcount:         11  bytes_req:       2004

RETURN VALUE         top

       Returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. On failure, if err is
       defined, it will be allocated to hold a detailed description of
       what went wrong if it the error was caused by a parsing error, or
       that an event, field does not exist or is not compatible with what
       it was combined with.

CREATE A TOOL         top

       The below example is a functional program that can be used to
       parse SQL commands into synthetic events.

              man tracefs_sql | sed -ne '/^EXAMPLE/,/FILES/ { /EXAMPLE/d ; /FILES/d ; p}' > sqlhist.c
              gcc -o sqlhist sqlhist.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs libtracefs`

       Then you can run the above examples:

             sudo ./sqlhist 'select, (end.TIMESTAMP_USECS - start.TIMESTAMP_USECS) as lat from sched_waking as start
                             JOIN sched_switch as end ON = end.next_pid
                             WHERE start.prio < 100 || end.prev_prio < 100'

EXAMPLE         top

           #include <stdio.h>
           #include <stdlib.h>
           #include <stdarg.h>
           #include <string.h>
           #include <errno.h>
           #include <unistd.h>
           #include <tracefs.h>

           static void usage(char **argv)
                   fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-ed][-n name][-s][-S fields][-m var][-c var][-T][-t dir][-f file | sql-command-line]\n"
                           "  -n name - name of synthetic event 'Anonymous' if left off\n"
                           "  -t dir - use dir instead of /sys/kernel/tracing\n"
                           "  -e - execute the commands to create the synthetic event\n"
                           "  -m - trigger the action when var is a new max.\n"
                           "  -c - trigger the action when var changes.\n"
                           "  -s - used with -m or -c to do a snapshot of the tracing buffer\n"
                           "  -S - used with -m or -c to save fields of the end event (comma deliminated)\n"
                           "  -T - used with -m or -c to do both a snapshot and a trace\n"
                           "  -f file - read sql lines from file otherwise from the command line\n"
                           "            if file is '-' then read from standard input.\n",

           enum action {
                   ACTION_DEFAULT          = 0,
                   ACTION_SNAPSHOT         = (1 << 0),
                   ACTION_TRACE            = (1 << 1),
                   ACTION_SAVE             = (1 << 2),
                   ACTION_MAX              = (1 << 3),
                   ACTION_CHANGE           = (1 << 4),

           #define ACTIONS ((ACTION_MAX - 1))

           static int do_sql(const char *instance_name,
                             const char *buffer, const char *name, const char *var,
                             const char *trace_dir, bool execute, int action,
                             char **save_fields)
                   struct tracefs_synth *synth;
                   struct tep_handle *tep;
                   struct trace_seq seq;
                   enum tracefs_synth_handler handler;
                   char *err;
                   int ret;

                   if ((action & ACTIONS) && !var) {
                           fprintf(stderr, "Error: -s, -S and -T not supported without -m or -c");

                   if (!name)
                           name = "Anonymous";

                   tep = tracefs_local_events(trace_dir);
                   if (!tep) {
                           if (!trace_dir)
                                   trace_dir = "tracefs directory";

                   synth = tracefs_sql(tep, name, buffer, &err);
                   if (!synth) {
                           perror("Failed creating synthetic event!");
                           if (err)
                                   fprintf(stderr, "%s", err);

                   if (tracefs_synth_complete(synth)) {
                           if (var) {
                                   if (action & ACTION_MAX)
                                           handler = TRACEFS_SYNTH_HANDLE_MAX;
                                           handler = TRACEFS_SYNTH_HANDLE_CHANGE;

                                   if (action & ACTION_SAVE) {
                                           ret = tracefs_synth_save(synth, handler, var, save_fields);
                                           if (ret < 0) {
                                                   err = "adding save";
                                                   goto failed_action;
                                   if (action & ACTION_TRACE) {
                                            * By doing the trace before snapshot, it will be included
                                            * in the snapshot.
                                           ret = tracefs_synth_trace(synth, handler, var);
                                           if (ret < 0) {
                                                   err = "adding trace";
                                                   goto failed_action;
                                   if (action & ACTION_SNAPSHOT) {
                                           ret = tracefs_synth_snapshot(synth, handler, var);
                                           if (ret < 0) {
                                                   err = "adding snapshot";
                                                   if (errno == ENODEV)
                                                           fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' is not a variable\n",
                           tracefs_synth_echo_cmd(&seq, synth);
                           if (execute) {
                                   ret = tracefs_synth_create(synth);
                                   if (ret < 0) {
                                           fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tracefs_error_last(NULL));
                   } else {
                           struct tracefs_instance *instance = NULL;
                           struct tracefs_hist *hist;

                           hist = tracefs_synth_get_start_hist(synth);
                           if (!hist) {
                           if (instance_name) {
                                   if (execute)
                                           instance = tracefs_instance_create(instance_name);
                                           instance = tracefs_instance_alloc(trace_dir,
                                   if (!instance) {
                                           perror("Failed to create instance");
                           tracefs_hist_echo_cmd(&seq, instance, hist, 0);
                           if (execute) {
                                   ret = tracefs_hist_start(instance, hist);
                                   if (ret < 0) {
                                           fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tracefs_error_last(instance));


                   return 0;

           int main (int argc, char **argv)
                   char *trace_dir = NULL;
                   char *buffer = NULL;
                   char buf[BUFSIZ];
                   int buffer_size = 0;
                   const char *file = NULL;
                   const char *instance = NULL;
                   bool execute = false;
                   char **save_fields = NULL;
                   const char *name;
                   const char *var;
                   int action = 0;
                   char *tok;
                   FILE *fp;
                   size_t r;
                   int c;
                   int i;

                   for (;;) {
                           c = getopt(argc, argv, "ht:f:en:m:c:sS:TB:");
                           if (c == -1)

                           switch(c) {
                           case 'h':
                           case 't':
                                   trace_dir = optarg;
                           case 'f':
                                   file = optarg;
                           case 'e':
                                   execute = true;
                           case 'm':
                                   action |= ACTION_MAX;
                                   var = optarg;
                           case 'c':
                                   action |= ACTION_CHANGE;
                                   var = optarg;
                           case 's':
                                   action |= ACTION_SNAPSHOT;
                           case 'S':
                                   action |= ACTION_SAVE;
                                   tok = strtok(optarg, ",");
                                   while (tok) {
                                           save_fields = tracefs_list_add(save_fields, tok);
                                           tok = strtok(NULL, ",");
                                   if (!save_fields) {
                           case 'T':
                                   action |= ACTION_TRACE | ACTION_SNAPSHOT;
                           case 'B':
                                   instance = optarg;
                           case 'n':
                                   name = optarg;

                   if ((action & (ACTION_MAX|ACTION_CHANGE)) == (ACTION_MAX|ACTION_CHANGE)) {
                           fprintf(stderr, "Can not use both -m and -c together\n");
                   if (file) {
                           if (!strcmp(file, "-"))
                                   fp = stdin;
                                   fp = fopen(file, "r");
                           if (!fp) {
                           while ((r = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZ, fp)) > 0) {
                                   buffer = realloc(buffer, buffer_size + r + 1);
                                   strncpy(buffer + buffer_size, buf, r);
                                   buffer_size += r;
                           if (buffer_size)
                                   buffer[buffer_size] = '\0';
                   } else if (argc == optind) {
                   } else {
                           for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
                                   r = strlen(argv[i]);
                                   buffer = realloc(buffer, buffer_size + r + 2);
                                   if (i != optind)
                                           buffer[buffer_size++] = ' ';
                                   strcpy(buffer + buffer_size, argv[i]);
                                   buffer_size += r;

                   do_sql(instance, buffer, name, var, trace_dir, execute, action, save_fields);

                   return 0;

FILES         top

                   Header file to include in order to have access to the library APIs.
                   Linker switch to add when building a program that uses the library.

SEE ALSO         top

       sqlhist(1), libtracefs(3), libtraceevent(3), trace-cmd(1),
       tracefs_synth_init(3), tracefs_synth_add_match_field(3),
       tracefs_synth_add_start_field(3), tracefs_synth_add_end_field(3),
       tracefs_synth_append_end_filter(3), tracefs_synth_create(3),
       tracefs_synth_destroy(3), tracefs_synth_free(3),
       tracefs_synth_echo_cmd(3), tracefs_hist_alloc(3),
       tracefs_hist_alloc_2d(3), tracefs_hist_alloc_nd(3),
       tracefs_hist_free(3), tracefs_hist_add_key(3),
       tracefs_hist_add_value(3), tracefs_hist_add_name(3),
       tracefs_hist_start(3), tracefs_hist_destory(3),
       tracefs_hist_add_sort_key(3), tracefs_hist_sort_key_direction(3)

AUTHOR         top

           Steven Rostedt <[1]>
           Tzvetomir Stoyanov <[2]>
           sameeruddin shaik <[3]>

REPORTING BUGS         top

       Report bugs to <[4]>

LICENSE         top

       libtracefs is Free Software licensed under the GNU LGPL 2.1

RESOURCES         top 

COPYING         top

       Copyright (C) 2020 VMware, Inc. Free use of this software is
       granted under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL).

NOTES         top





COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the libtracefs (Linux kernel trace file
       system library) project.  Information about the project can be
       found at ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report
       for this manual page, see ⟨⟩.  This page
       was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on
       2025-02-02.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2024-11-22.)  If you discover
       any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you
       believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page,
       or you have corrections or improvements to the information in this
       COLOPHON (which is not part of the original manual page), send a
       mail to

libtracefs 1.8.1                01/02/2025                  LIBTRACEFS(3)

Pages that refer to this page: sqlhist(1)tracefs_synth_create(3)tracefs_synth_echo_cmd(3)