slaptest(8) — Linux manual page


SLAPTEST(8C)                                                SLAPTEST(8C)

NAME         top

       slaptest - Check the suitability of the OpenLDAP slapd

SYNOPSIS         top

       SBINDIR/slaptest [-d debug-level] [-f slapd.conf] [-F confdir]
       [-ndbnum] [-o option[=value]] [-Q] [-u] [-v]

DESCRIPTION         top

       Slaptest is used to check the conformance of the slapd(8)
       configuration.  It opens the slapd.conf(5) configuration file or
       the slapd-config(5) backend, and parses it according to the
       general and the backend-specific rules, checking its sanity.

OPTIONS         top

       -d debug-level
              enable debugging messages as defined by the specified
              debug-level; see slapd(8) for details.

       -f slapd.conf
              specify an alternative slapd.conf(5) file.

       -F confdir
              specify a config directory.  If both -f and -F are
              specified, the config file will be read and converted to
              config directory format and written to the specified
              directory.  If neither option is specified, slaptest will
              attempt to read the default config directory before trying
              to use the default config file. If a valid config
              directory exists then the default config file is ignored.
              If dry-run mode is also specified, no conversion will

       -n dbnum
              Just open and test the dbnum-th database listed in the
              configuration file.  To only test the config database
              slapd-config(5), use -n 0 as it is always the first

       -o option[=value]
              Specify an option with a(n optional) value.  Possible
              generic options/values are:

                     syslog=<subsystems>  (see `-s' in slapd(8))
                     syslog-level=<level> (see `-S' in slapd(8))
                     syslog-user=<user>   (see `-l' in slapd(8))

       -Q     Be extremely quiet: only the exit code indicates success
              (0) or not (any other value).

       -u     enable dry-run mode (i.e. don't fail if databases cannot
              be opened, but config is fine).

       -v     enable verbose mode.

EXAMPLES         top

       To check a slapd.conf(5) give the command:

            SBINDIR/slaptest -f /ETCDIR/slapd.conf -v

SEE ALSO         top

       ldap(3), slapd(8), slapdn(8)

       "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide"


       OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP
       Project <>.  OpenLDAP Software is derived
       from the University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the OpenLDAP (an open source implementation
       of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this
       manual page, see ⟨⟩.  This page was
       obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

OpenLDAP LDVERSION             RELEASEDATE                  SLAPTEST(8C)

Pages that refer to this page: slapd.access(5)slapd.conf(5)slapd-config(5)slapacl(8)slapauth(8)slapd(8)slapdn(8)