show-installed(1) — Linux manual page


show-installed(1)                                      show-installed(1)

NAME         top

       show-installed - show installed RPM packages and descriptions

SYNOPSIS         top

       show-installed [options]

DESCRIPTION         top

       show-installed gives a compact description of the packages
       installed (or given) making use of the comps groups found in the

OPTIONS         top

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
              yum, kickstart or human; yum gives the result as a yum
              command line; kickstart the content of a %packages
              section; "human" readable is default.

       -i INPUT, --input=INPUT
              File to read the package list from instead of using the
              rpmdb. - for stdin. The file must contain package names
              only separated by white space (including newlines). rpm
              -qa --qf='%{name}\n' produces proper output.

       -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
              File to write the result to. Stdout is used if option is

       -q, --quiet
              Do not show warnings.

       -e, --no-excludes
              Only show groups that are installed completely. Do not use
              exclude lines.

              Print exclude lines at the end and not after the groups
              requiring them.

              Print package names at the end and not after the groups
              offering them as addon.

              Also show groups not selected to sort packages contained
              by them. Those groups are commented out with a "# " at the
              begin of the line.

       -m, --allow-mandatories
              Check if just installing the mandatory packages gives
              better results. Uses "." to mark those groups.

       -a, --allow-all
              Check if installing all packages in the groups gives
              better results. Uses "*" to mark those groups.

              Ignore packages missing in the repos.

              Do not produce exclude lines for packages not in the

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the yum-utils (Yum Package Manager
       utilities) project.  Information about the project can be found
       at ⟨⟩.  It is not
       known how to report bugs for this man page; if you know, please
       send a mail to  This page was obtained from
       the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on
       2024-06-14.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2020-03-11.)  If you
       discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page,
       or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for
       the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the
       information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to

Florian Festi                21 October 2010           show-installed(1)

Pages that refer to this page: yum-utils(1)