semodule_link(8) — Linux manual page


SEMODULE_LINK(8)                   NSA                  SEMODULE_LINK(8)

NAME         top

       semodule_link - Link SELinux policy module packages together

SYNOPSIS         top

       semodule_link [-Vv] [-o outfile] basemodpkg modpkg1 [modpkg2]...

DESCRIPTION         top

       semodule_link is a developer tool for manually linking together a
       set of SELinux policy module packages into a single policy module
       package.  This tool is not necessary for normal operation of
       SELinux.  In normal operation, such linking is performed
       internally by libsemanage in response to semodule commands.
       Module packages are created by semodule_package.

OPTIONS         top

       -V     show version

       -v     verbose mode

       -o <output file>
              Linked policy module package generated by this tool.

SEE ALSO         top

       checkmodule(8), semodule_package(8), semodule(8),
       semodule_expand(8) (8),

AUTHORS         top

       This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <>.
       The program was written by Karl MacMillan <>

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the selinux (Security-Enhanced Linux user-
       space libraries and tools) project.  Information about the
       project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a
       bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2023-05-11.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

Security Enhanced Linux         Nov 2005                SEMODULE_LINK(8)