tbl(1) — Linux manual page

Name | Synopsis | Description | Options | Limitations | Examples | See also | COLOPHON

tbl(1)                   General Commands Manual                  tbl(1)

Name         top

       tbl - prepare tables for groff documents

Synopsis         top

       tbl [-C] [file ...]

       tbl --help

       tbl -v

       tbl --version

Description         top

       The GNU implementation of tbl is part of the groff(1) document
       formatting system.  tbl is a troff(1) preprocessor that
       translates descriptions of tables embedded in roff(7) input files
       into the language understood by troff.  It copies the contents of
       each file to the standard output stream, except that lines
       between .TS and .TE are interpreted as table descriptions.  While
       GNU tbl's input syntax is highly compatible with AT&T tbl, the
       output GNU tbl produces cannot be processed by AT&T troff; GNU
       troff (or a troff implementing any GNU extensions employed) must
       be used.  Normally, tbl is not executed directly by the user, but
       invoked by specifying the -t option to groff(1).  If no file
       operands are present, or if file is “-”, tbl reads the standard
       input stream.

       tbl expects to find table descriptions between input lines that
       begin with .TS (table start) and .TE (table end).  Each such
       table region encloses one or more table descriptions.  Within a
       table region, table descriptions beyond the first must each be
       preceded by an input line beginning with .T&.  This mechanism
       does not start a new table region; all table descriptions are
       treated as part of their .TS/.TE enclosure, even if they are
       boxed or have column headings that repeat on subsequent pages
       (see below).

       (Experienced roff users should observe that tbl is not a roff
       language interpreter: the default control character must be used,
       and no spaces or tabs are permitted between the control character
       and the macro name.  These tbl input tokens remain as-is in the
       output, where they become ordinary macro calls.  Macro packages
       often define TS, T&, and TE macros to handle issues of table
       placement on the page.  tbl produces groff code to define these
       macros as empty if their definitions do not exist when the
       formatter encounters a table region.)

       Each table region may begin with region options, and must contain
       one or more table definitions; each table definition contains a
       format specification followed by one or more input lines (rows)
       of entries.  These entries comprise the table data.

   Region options
       The line immediately following the .TS token may specify region
       options, keywords that influence the interpretation or rendering
       of the region as a whole or all table entries within it
       indiscriminately.  They must be separated by commas, spaces, or
       tabs.  Those that require a parenthesized argument permit spaces
       and tabs between the option's name and the opening parenthesis.
       Options accumulate and cannot be unset within a region once
       declared; if an option that takes a parameter is repeated, the
       last occurrence controls.  If present, the set of region options
       must be terminated with a semicolon (;).

       Any of the allbox, box, doublebox, frame, and doubleframe region
       options makes a table “boxed” for the purpose of later

       allbox Enclose each table entry in a box; implies box.

       box    Enclose the entire table region in a box.  GNU tbl
              recognizes frame as a synonym.

       center Center the table region with respect to the current
              indentation and line length; the default is to left-align
              it.  GNU tbl recognizes centre as a synonym.

              Recognize character c as the decimal separator in columns
              using the N (numeric) classifier (see subsection “Column
              classifiers” below).  This is a GNU extension.

              Recognize characters x and y as start and end delimiters,
              respectively, for eqn(1) input, and ignore input between
              them.  x and y need not be distinct.

              Enclose the entire table region in a double box; implies
              box.  GNU tbl recognizes doubleframe as a synonym.

       expand Spread the table horizontally to fill the available space
              (line length minus indentation) by increasing column
              separation.  Ordinarily, a table is made only as wide as
              necessary to accommodate the widths of its entries and its
              column separations (whether specified or default).  When
              expand applies to a table that exceeds the available
              horizontal space, column separation is reduced as far as
              necessary (even to zero).  tbl produces groff input that
              issues a diagnostic if such compression occurs.  The
              column modifier x (see below) overrides this option.

              Draw lines or rules (e.g., from box) with a thickness of
              n points.  The default is the current type size when the
              region begins.  This option is ignored on terminal

       nokeep Don't use roff diversions to manage page breaks.
              Normally, tbl employs them to avoid breaking a page within
              a table row.  This usage can sometimes interact badly with
              macro packages' own use of diversions—when footnotes, for
              example, are employed.  This is a GNU extension.

              Ignore leading and trailing spaces in table entries.  This
              is a GNU extension.

       nowarn Suppress diagnostic messages produced at document
              formatting time when the line or page lengths are
              inadequate to contain a table row.  This is a GNU

       tab(c) Use the character c instead of a tab to separate entries
              in a row of table data.

   Table format specification
       The table format specification is mandatory: it determines the
       number of columns in the table and directs how the entries within
       it are to be typeset.  The format specification is a series of
       column descriptors.  Each descriptor encodes a classifier
       followed by zero or more modifiers.  Classifiers are letters
       (recognized case-insensitively) or punctuation symbols; modifiers
       consist of or begin with letters or numerals.  Spaces, tabs,
       newlines, and commas separate descriptors.  Newlines and commas
       are special; they apply the descriptors following them to a
       subsequent row of the table.  (This enables column headings to be
       centered or emboldened while the table entries for the data are
       not, for instance.)  We term the resulting group of column
       descriptors a row definition.  Within a row definition,
       separation between column descriptors (by spaces or tabs) is
       often optional; only some modifiers, described below, make
       separation necessary.

       The classifier selects from one of several arrangements.  Some
       determine the positioning of table entries within a rectangular
       cell: centered, left-aligned, numeric (aligned to a configurable
       decimal separator), and so on.  Others perform special operations
       like drawing lines or spanning entries from adjacent cells in the
       table.  Except for “|”, any classifier can be followed by one or
       more modifiers; some of these accept an argument, which in GNU
       tbl can be parenthesized.  Modifiers select fonts, set the type
       size, and perform other tasks described below.

       The format specification can occupy multiple input lines, but
       must conclude with a dot “.” followed by a newline.  Each row
       definition is applied in turn to one row of the table.  The last
       row definition is applied to rows of table data in excess of the
       row definitions.

       For clarity in this document's examples, we shall write
       classifiers in uppercase and modifiers in lowercase.  Thus,
       “CbCb,LR.” defines two rows of two columns.  The first row's
       entries are centered and boldfaced; the second and any further
       rows' first and second columns are left- and right-aligned,
       respectively.  If more rows of entries are added to the table
       data, they reuse the row definition “LR”.

       The row definition with the most column descriptors determines
       the number of columns in the table; any row definition with fewer
       is implicitly extended on the right-hand side with L classifiers
       as many times as necessary to make the table rectangular.

   Column classifiers
       The L, R, and C classifiers are the easiest to understand and

       A, a   Center longest entry in this column, left-align remaining
              entries in the column with respect to the centered entry,
              then indent all entries by one en.  Such “alphabetic”
              entries (hence the name of the classifier) can be used in
              the same column as L-classified entries, as in “LL,AR.”.
              The A entries are often termed “sub-columns” due to their

       C, c   Center entry within the column.

       L, l   Left-align entry within the column.

       N, n   Numerically align entry in the column.  tbl aligns columns
              of numbers vertically at the units place.  If multiple
              decimal separators are adjacent to a digit, it uses the
              rightmost one for vertical alignment.  If there is no
              decimal separator, the rightmost digit is used for
              vertical alignment; otherwise, tbl centers the entry
              within the column.  The roff dummy character \& in an
              entry marks the glyph preceding it (if any) as the units
              place; if multiple instances occur in the data, the
              leftmost is used for alignment.

              If N-classified entries share a column with L or
              R entries, tbl centers the widest N entry with respect to
              the widest L or R entry, preserving the alignment of
              N entries with respect to each other.

              Decimal separators in eqn equations within N-classified
              columns can conflict with tbl's use of them for alignment.
              Specify the delim region option to make tbl ignore the
              data within eqn delimiters.

       R, r   Right-align entry within the column.

       S, s   Span previous entry on the left into this column.

       ^      Span entry in the same column from the previous row into
              this row.

       _, -   Replace table entry with a horizontal rule.  An empty
              table entry is expected to correspond to this classifier;
              if data are found there, tbl issues a diagnostic message.
              If the entire row definition consists of these classifiers
              (only one is necessary), it is treated as a “_” occupying
              a row of table entries, and no corresponding data are

       =      Replace table entry with a double horizontal rule.  An
              empty table entry is expected to correspond to this
              classifier; if data are found there, tbl issues a
              diagnostic message.  If the entire row definition consists
              of these classifiers, it is treated as a “=” occupying a
              row of table entries, and no corresponding data are

       |      Place a vertical rule (line) on the corresponding row of
              the table (if two of these are adjacent, a double vertical
              rule).  This classifier does not contribute to the column
              count and no table entries correspond to it.  A | to the
              left of the first column descriptor or to the right of the
              last one produces a vertical rule at the edge of the
              table; these are redundant (and ignored) in boxed tables.

       To change the table format within a tbl region, use the .T& token
       at the start of a line.  Follow it with a format specification
       and table data, but not region options.  The quantity of columns
       in a format thus introduced cannot increase relative to the
       previous format; in that case, you must end the table region and
       start another.  If that will not serve because the region uses
       box options or the columns align in an undesirable manner, you
       must design the initial table format specification to include the
       maximum quantity of columns required, and use the S horizontal
       spanning classifier where necessary to achieve the desired
       columnar alignment.

       Spanning horizontally in the first column or vertically on the
       first row is an error.  tbl does not support non-rectangular span

   Column modifiers
       Any number of modifiers can follow a column classifier.  Modifier
       arguments, where accepted, are case-sensitive.  If a given
       modifier is applied to a classifier more than once, or if
       conflicting modifiers are applied, only the last occurrence has
       effect.  The modifier x is mutually exclusive with e and w, but e
       is not mutually exclusive with w; if these are used in
       combination, x unsets both e and w, while either e or w
       overrides x.

       b, B   Typeset entry in boldface, abbreviating f(B).

       d, D   Align a vertically spanned table entry to the bottom
              (“down”), instead of the center, of its range.  This is a
              GNU extension.

       e, E   Equalize the widths of columns with this modifier.  The
              column with the largest width controls.  This modifier
              sets the default line length used in a text block.

       f, F   Select the typeface for the table entry.  This modifier
              must be followed by a font or style name (one or two
              characters not starting with a digit), font mounting
              position (a single digit), or a name or mounting position
              of any length in parentheses.  The last form is a GNU
              extension.  (The parameter corresponds to that accepted by
              the troff ft request.)  A one-character argument not in
              parentheses must be separated by one or more spaces or
              tabs from what follows.

       i, I   Typeset entry in an oblique or italic face, abbreviating

       m, M   Call a groff macro before typesetting a text block (see
              subsection “Text blocks” below).  This is a GNU extension.
              This modifier must be followed by a macro name of one or
              two characters or a name of any length in parentheses.  A
              one-character macro name not in parentheses must be
              separated by one or more spaces or tabs from what follows.
              The named macro must be defined before the table region
              containing this column modifier is encountered.  The macro
              should contain only simple groff requests to change text
              formatting, like adjustment or hyphenation.  The macro is
              called after the column modifiers b, f, i, p, and v take
              effect; it can thus override other column modifiers.

       p, P   Set the type size for the table entry.  This modifier must
              be followed by an integer n with an optional leading sign.
              If unsigned, the type size is set to n scaled points.
              Otherwise, the type size is incremented or decremented per
              the sign by n scaled points.  The use of a signed multi-
              digit number is a GNU extension.  (The parameter
              corresponds to that accepted by the troff ps request.)  If
              a type size modifier is followed by a column separation
              modifier (see below), they must be separated by at least
              one space or tab.

       t, T   Align a vertically spanned table entry to the top, instead
              of the center, of its range.

       u, U   Move the column up one half-line, “staggering” the rows.
              This is a Documenter's Workbench (DWB) 1.0 and Research
              Tenth Edition Unix extension.

       v, V   Set the vertical spacing to be used in a text block.  This
              modifier must be followed by an integer n with an optional
              leading sign.  If unsigned, the vertical spacing is set to
              n points.  Otherwise, the vertical spacing is incremented
              or decremented per the sign by n points.  The use of a
              signed multi-digit number is a GNU extension.  (This
              parameter corresponds to that accepted by the troff vs
              request.)  If a vertical spacing modifier is followed by a
              column separation modifier (see below), they must be
              separated by at least one space or tab.

       w, W   Set the column's minimum width.  This modifier must be
              followed by a number, which is either a unitless integer,
              or a roff horizontal measurement in parentheses.
              Parentheses are required if the width is to be followed
              immediately by an explicit column separation
              (alternatively, follow the width with one or more spaces
              or tabs).  If no unit is specified, ens are assumed.  This
              modifier sets the default line length used in a text

       x, X   Expand the column.  After computing the column widths,
              distribute any remaining line length evenly over all
              columns bearing this modifier.  Applying the x modifier to
              more than one column is a GNU extension.  This modifier
              sets the default line length used in a text block.

       z, Z   Ignore the table entries corresponding to this column for
              width calculation purposes; that is, compute the column's
              width using only the information in its descriptor.  This
              is a Documenter's Workbench (DWB) 1.0 and Research Tenth
              Edition Unix extension.

       n      A numeric suffix on a column descriptor sets the
              separation distance (in ens) from the succeeding column;
              the default separation is 3n.  This separation is
              proportionally multiplied if the expand region option is
              in effect; in the case of tables wider than the output
              line length, this separation might be zero.  A negative
              separation cannot be specified.  A separation amount after
              the last column in a row is nonsensical and provokes a
              diagnostic from tbl.

   Table data
       The table data come after the format specification.  Each input
       line corresponds to a table row, except that a backslash at the
       end of a line of table data continues an entry on the next input
       line.  (Text blocks, discussed below, also spread table entries
       across multiple input lines.)  Table entries within a row are
       separated in the input by a tab character by default; see the tab
       region option above.  Excess entries in a row of table data
       (those that have no corresponding column descriptor, not even an
       implicit one arising from rectangularization of the table) are
       discarded with a diagnostic message.  roff control lines are
       accepted between rows of table data and within text blocks.  If
       you wish to visibly mark an empty table entry in the document
       source, populate it with the \& roff dummy character.  The table
       data are interrupted by a line consisting of the .T& input token,
       and conclude with the line .TE.

       Ordinarily, a table entry is typeset rigidly.  It is not filled,
       broken, hyphenated, adjusted, or populated with additional inter-
       sentence space.  tbl instructs the formatter to measure each
       table entry as it occurs in the input, updating the width
       required by its corresponding column.  If the z modifier applies
       to the column, this measurement is ignored; if w applies and its
       argument is larger than this width, that argument is used
       instead.  In contrast to conventional roff input (within a
       paragraph, say), changes to text formatting, such as font
       selection or vertical spacing, do not persist between entries.

       Several forms of table entry are interpreted specially.

       •  If a table row contains only an underscore or equals sign (_
          or =), a single or double horizontal rule (line),
          respectively, is drawn across the table at that point.

       •  A table entry containing only _ or = on an otherwise populated
          row is replaced by a single or double horizontal rule,
          respectively, joining its neighbors.

       •  Prefixing a lone underscore or equals sign with a backslash
          also has meaning.  If a table entry consists only of \_ or \=
          on an otherwise populated row, it is replaced by a single or
          double horizontal rule, respectively, that does not (quite)
          join its neighbors.

       •  A table entry consisting of \Rx, where x is any roff ordinary
          or special character, is replaced by enough repetitions of the
          glyph corresponding to x to fill the column, albeit without
          joining its neighbors.

       •  On any row but the first, a table entry of \^ causes the entry
          above it to span down into the current one.

       On occasion, these special tokens may be required as literal
       table data.  To use either _ or = literally and alone in an
       entry, prefix or suffix it with the roff dummy character \&.  To
       express \_, \=, or \R, use a roff escape sequence to interpolate
       the backslash (\e or \[rs]).  A reliable way to emplace the \^
       glyph sequence within a table entry is to use a pair of groff
       special character escape sequences (\[rs]\[ha]).

       Rows of table entries can be interleaved with groff control
       lines; these do not count as table data.  On such lines the
       default control character (.) must be used (and not changed); the
       no-break control character is not recognized.  To start the first
       table entry in a row with a dot, precede it with the roff dummy
       character \&.

   Text blocks
       An ordinary table entry's contents can make a column, and
       therefore the table, excessively wide; the table then exceeds the
       line length of the page, and becomes ugly or is exposed to
       truncation by the output device.  When a table entry requires
       more conventional typesetting, breaking across more than one
       output line (and thereby increasing the height of its row), it
       can be placed within a text block.

       tbl interprets a table entry beginning with “T{” at the end of an
       input line not as table data, but as a token starting a text
       block.  Similarly, “T}” at the start of an input line ends a text
       block; it must also end the table entry.  Text block tokens can
       share an input line with other table data (preceding T{ and
       following T}).  Input lines between these tokens are formatted in
       a diversion by troff.  Text blocks cannot be nested.  Multiple
       text blocks can occur in a table row.

       Text blocks are formatted as was the text prior to the table,
       modified by applicable column descriptors.  Specifically, the
       classifiers A, C, L, N, R, and S determine a text block's
       alignment within its cell, but not its adjustment.  Add na or ad
       requests to the beginning of a text block to alter its adjustment
       distinctly from other text in the document.  As with other table
       entries, when a text block ends, any alterations to formatting
       parameters are discarded.  They do not affect subsequent table
       entries, not even other text blocks.

       If w or x modifiers are not specified for all columns of a text
       block's span, the default length of the text block (more
       precisely, the line length used to process the text block's
       diversion) is computed as L×C/(N+1), where L is the current line
       length, C the number of columns spanned by the text block, and N
       the number of columns in the table.  If necessary, you can also
       control a text block's width by including an ll (line length)
       request in it prior to any text to be formatted.  Because a
       diversion is used to format the text block, its height and width
       are subsequently available in the registers dn and dl,

   roff interface
       The register TW stores the width of the table region in basic
       units; it can't be used within the region itself, but is defined
       before the .TE token is output so that a groff macro named TE can
       make use of it.  T. is a Boolean-valued register indicating
       whether the bottom of the table is being processed.  A #T
       register is used internally.  Avoid using these names for any
       other purpose.

       tbl also defines a macro T# to produce the bottom and side lines
       of a boxed table.  While tbl itself arranges for the output to
       include a call of this macro at the end of such a table, it can
       also be used by macro packages to create boxes for multi-page
       tables by calling it from a page footer macro that is itself
       called by a trap planted near the bottom of the page.  See
       section “Limitations” below for more on multi-page tables.

       GNU tbl internally employs register, string, macro, and diversion
       names beginning with the numeral 3.  A document to be
       preprocessed with GNU tbl should not use any such identifiers.

   Interaction with eqn
       tbl should always be called before eqn(1).  (groff(1)
       automatically arranges preprocessors in the correct order.)
       Don't call the EQ and EN macros within tables; instead, set up
       delimiters in your eqn input and use the delim region option so
       that tbl will recognize them.

   GNU tbl enhancements
       In addition to extensions noted above, GNU tbl removes
       constraints endured by users of AT&T tbl.

       •  Region options can be specified in any lettercase.

       •  There is no limit on the number of columns in a table,
          regardless of their classification, nor any limit on the
          number of text blocks.

       •  All table rows are considered when deciding column widths, not
          just those occurring in the first 200 input lines of a region.
          Similarly, table continuation (.T&) tokens are recognized
          outside a region's first 200 input lines.

       •  Numeric and alphabetic entries may appear in the same column.

       •  Numeric and alphabetic entries may span horizontally.

   Using GNU tbl within macros
       You can embed a table region inside a macro definition.  However,
       since tbl writes its own macro definitions at the beginning of
       each table region, it is necessary to call end macros instead of
       ending macro definitions with “..”.  Additionally, the escape
       character must be disabled.

       Not all tbl features can be exercised from such macros because
       tbl is a roff preprocessor: it sees the input earlier than troff
       does.  For example, vertically aligning decimal separators fails
       if the numbers containing them occur as macro or string
       parameters; the alignment is performed by tbl itself, which sees
       only \$1, \$2, and so on, and therefore can't recognize a decimal
       separator that appears only later when troff interpolates a macro
       or string definition.

       Using tbl macros within conditional input (that is, contingent
       upon an if, ie, el, or while request) can result in misleading
       line numbers in subsequent diagnostics.  tbl unconditionally
       injects its output into the source document, but the conditional
       branch containing it may not be taken, and if it is not, the lf
       requests that tbl injects to restore the source line number
       cannot take effect.  Consider copying the input line counter
       register c. and restoring its value at a convenient location
       after applicable arithmetic.

Options         top

       --help displays a usage message, while -v and --version show
       version information; all exit afterward.

       -C     Enable AT&T compatibility mode: recognize .TS and .TE even
              when followed by a character other than space or newline.
              Furthermore, interpret the uninterpreted leader escape
              sequence \a.

Limitations         top

       Multi-page tables, if boxed and/or if you want their column
       headings repeated after page breaks, require support at the time
       the document is formatted.  A convention for such support has
       arisen in macro packages such as ms, mm, and me.  To use it,
       follow the .TS token with a space and then “H”; this will be
       interpreted by the formatter as a TS macro call with an H
       argument.  Then, within the table data, call the TH macro; this
       informs the macro package where the headings end.  If your table
       has no such heading rows, or you do not desire their repetition,
       call TH immediately after the table format specification.  If a
       multi-page table is boxed or has repeating column headings, do
       not enclose it with keep/release macros, or divert it in any
       other way.  Further, the bp request will not cause a page break
       in a “TS H” table.  Define a macro to wrap bp: invoke it normally
       if there is no current diversion.  Otherwise, pass the macro call
       to the enclosing diversion using the transparent line escape
       sequence \!; this will “bubble up” the page break to the output
       device.  See section “Examples” below for a demonstration.

       grotty(1) does not support double horizontal rules; it uses
       single rules instead.  It also ignores half-line motions, so the
       u column modifier has no effect.  On terminal devices
       (“nroff mode”), horizontal rules and box borders occupy a full
       vee of space; doublebox doubles that for borders.  Tables using
       these features thus require more vertical space in nroff mode
       than in troff mode: write ne requests accordingly.  Vertical
       rules between columns are drawn in the space between columns in
       nroff mode; using double vertical rules and/or reducing the
       column separation below the default can make them ugly or
       overstrike them with table data.

       A text block within a table must be able to fit on one page.

       Using \a to put leaders in table entries does not work in GNU
       tbl, except in compatibility mode.  This is correct behavior: \a
       is an uninterpreted leader.  You can still use the roff leader
       character (Control+A) or define a string to use \a as it was
       designed: to be interpreted only in copy mode.

              .ds a \a
              box center tab(;);
              Lw(2i)0 L.

                      │ Population..........6,327,119 │

       A leading and/or trailing | in a format specification, such as
       “|LCR|.”, produces an en space between the vertical rules and the
       content of the adjacent columns.  If no such space is desired (so
       that the rule abuts the content), you can introduce “dummy”
       columns with zero separation and empty corresponding table
       entries before and/or after.

              center tab(#);
              R0|L C R0|L.

       These dummy columns have zero width and are therefore invisible;
       unfortunately they usually don't work as intended on terminal

Examples         top

       It can be easier to acquire the language of tbl through examples
       than formal description, especially at first.

              box center tab(#);
              Cb Cb
              L L.
              Strength#crushes a tomato
              Dexterity#dodges a thrown tomato
              Constitution#eats a month-old tomato without becoming ill
              Intelligence#knows that a tomato is a fruit
              Wisdom#chooses \f[I]not\f[] to put tomato in a fruit salad
              Charisma#sells tomato-based fruit salads to hypercarnivores

     │   Ability                         Application                     │
     │ Strength       crushes a tomato                                   │
     │ Dexterity      dodges a thrown tomato                             │
     │ Constitution   eats a month-old tomato without becoming ill       │
     │ Intelligence   knows that a tomato is a fruit                     │
     │ Wisdom         chooses not to put tomato in a fruit salad         │
     │ Charisma       sells tomato-based fruit salads to hypercarnivores │

       The A and N column classifiers can be easier to grasp in visual
       rendering than in description.

              center tab(;);
              Daily energy intake (in MJ)
              .\" assume 3 significant figures of precision

                             Daily energy intake (in MJ)
                               Carbohydrates       4.5
                               Fats                2.25
                               Protein             3
                               Pu-239             14.6
                             Total               ~24.4

       Next, we'll lightly adapt a compact presentation of spanning,
       vertical alignment, and zero-width column modifiers from the
       mandoc reference for its tbl interpreter.  It rewards close

              box center tab(:);
              Lz  S | Rt
              Ld| Cb| ^
              ^ | Rz  S.

                                 │ le│ft       │ r │
                                 │   │ center │   │
                                 │ l │      right │

       Row staggering is not visually achievable on terminal devices,
       but a table using it can remain comprehensible nonetheless.

              center tab(|);
              Cf(BI) Cf(BI) Cf(B), C C Cu.

                                 n   n×n   difference
                                 1    1
                                 2    4        3
                                 3    9        5
                                 4   16        7
                                 5   25        9
                                 6   36        11

       Some tbl features cannot be illustrated in the limited
       environment of a portable man page.

       We can define a macro outside of a tbl region that we can call
       from within it to cause a page break inside a multi-page boxed
       table.  You can choose a different name; be sure to change both
       occurrences of “BP”.

              .de BP
              .  ie '\\n(.z'' .bp \\$1
              .  el \!.BP \\$1

See also         top

       “Tbl—A Program to Format Tables”, by M. E. Lesk, 1976 (revised 16
       January 1979), AT&T Bell Laboratories Computing Science Technical
       Report No. 49.

       The spanning example above was taken from mandoc's man page for
       its tbl implementation ⟨https://man.openbsd.org/tbl.7⟩.

       groff(1), troff(1)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the groff (GNU troff) project.  Information
       about the project can be found at 
       ⟨http://www.gnu.org/software/groff/⟩.  If you have a bug report
       for this manual page, see ⟨http://www.gnu.org/software/groff/⟩.
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/groff.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2024-06-10.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

groff   6 June 2024                        tbl(1)

Pages that refer to this page: col(1)colcrt(1)