— Linux manual page


MARIADB-TEST-RUN(1)      MariaDB Database System      MARIADB-TEST-RUN(1)

NAME         top - run MariaDB test suite

SYNOPSIS         top [options]

DESCRIPTION         top

       The Perl script is the main application used
       to run the MariaDB test suite. It invokes mariadb-test to run
       individual test cases.

       Invoke in the mariadb-test directory like

           shell> [options] [test_name] ...

       Each test_name argument names a test case. The test case file that
       corresponds to the test name is t/test_name.test.

       For each test_name argument, runs the named
       test case. With no test_name arguments, runs
       all .test files in the t subdirectory.

       If no suffix is given for the test name, a suffix of .test is
       assumed. Any leading path name is ignored. These commands are

           shell> mytest
           shell> mytest.test
           shell> t/mytest.test

       A suite name can be given as part of the test name. That is, the
       syntax for naming a test is:


       If a suite name is given, looks in that suite
       for the test. The test file corresponding to a test named
       suite_name.test_name is found in
       suite/suite_name/t/test_name.test. There is also an implicit suite
       name main for the tests in the top t directory. With no suite
       name, looks in the default list of suites for
       a match and runs the test in any suites where it finds the test.
       Suppose that the default suite list is main, binlog, rpl, and that
       a test mytest.test exists in the main and rpl suites. With an
       argument of mytest or mytest.test, will run
       mytest.test from the main and rpl suites.

       To run a family of test cases for which the names share a common
       prefix, use the --do-test=prefix option. For example,
       --do-test=rpl runs the replication tests (test cases that have
       names beginning with rpl).  --skip-test has the opposite effect of
       skipping test cases for which the names share a common prefix.

       The argument for the --do-test and --skip-test options also allows
       more flexible specification of which tests to perform or skip. If
       the argument contains a pattern metacharacter other than a lone
       period, it is interpreted as a Perl regular expression and applies
       to test names that match the pattern. If the argument contains a
       lone period or does not contain any pattern metacharacters, it is
       interpreted the same way as previously and matches test names that
       begin with the argument value. For example, --do-test=testa
       matches tests that begin with testa, --do-test=main.testa matches
       tests in the main test suite that begin with testa, and
       --do-test=main.*testa matches test names that contain main
       followed by testa with anything in between. In the latter case,
       the pattern match is not anchored to the beginning of the test
       name, so it also matches names such as xmainytesta.

       To perform setup prior to running tests, needs
       to invoke mariadbd with the --bootstrap and --skip-grant-tables
       options. If MariaDB was configured with the
       --disable-grant-options option, --bootstrap, --skip-grant-tables,
       and --init-file will be disabled. To handle this, set the
       MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP environment variable to the full path name of a
       server that has all options enabled. will use
       that server to perform setup; it is not used to run the tests.

       The init_file test will fail if --init-file is disabled. This is
       an expected failure that can be handled as follows:

           shell> export MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP
           shell> MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP=/full/path/to/mariadbd
           shell> make test force="--skip-test=init_file"

       To run on Windows, you'll need either Cygwin
       or ActiveState Perl to run it. You may also need to install the
       modules required by the script. To run the test script, change
       location into the mariadb-test directory, set the MTR_VS_CONFIG
       environment variable to the configuration you selected earlier (or
       use the --vs-config option), and invoke For
       example (using Cygwin and the bash shell):

           shell> cd mariadb-test
           shell> export MTR_VS_CONFIG=debug
           shell> ./ --force --timer
           shell> ./ --force --timer --ps-protocol uses several environment variables. Some of
       them are listed in the following table. Some of these are set from
       the outside and used by, others are set by instead, and may be referred to in tests.
       │ Variable         Meaning                    │
       │ MTR_VERSION      │ If set to 1, will run      │
       │                  │ the older version 1 of     │
       │                  │       │
       │                  │ This will affect what      │
       │                  │ functionailty is           │
       │                  │ available and what         │
       │                  │ command line options are   │
       │                  │ supported.                 │
       │ MTR_MEM          │ If set to anything, will   │
       │                  │ run tests with files in    │
       │                  │ "memory" using tmpfs or    │
       │                  │                 ramdisk.   │
       │                  │ Not available on           │
       │                  │ Windows. Same as           │
       │                  │                 --mem      │
       │                  │ option                     │
       │ MTR_PARALLEL     │ If set, defines number     │
       │                  │ of parallel threads        │
       │                  │ executing tests. Same as   │
       │                  │                 --parallel │
       │                  │ option                     │
       │ MTR_BUILD_THREAD │ If set, defines which port │
       │                  │ number range is used for   │
       │                  │ the server                 │
       │ MTR_PORT_BASE    │ If set, defines which port │
       │                  │ number range is used for   │
       │                  │ the server                 │
       │ MTR_NAME_TIMEOUT │ Setting of a timeout in    │
       │                  │ minutes or seconds,        │
       │                  │ corresponding to command   │
       │                  │ line option                │
       │                  │ --name-timeout. Available  │
       │                  │ timeout names are          │
       │                  │ TESTCASE, SUITE (both in   │
       │                  │ minutes) and START,        │
       │                  │ SHUTDOWN (both in          │
       │                  │ seconds). These variables  │
       │                  │ are supported from MySQL   │
       │                  │ 5.1.44.                    │
       │ MYSQL_TEST       │ Path name to mariadb-test  │
       │                  │ binary                     │
       │ MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP │ Full path name to mariadbd │
       │                  │ that has all options       │
       │                  │ enabled                    │
       │ MYSQLTEST_VARDIR │ Path name to the var       │
       │                  │ directory that is used for │
       │                  │                 logs,      │
       │                  │ temporary files, and so    │
       │                  │ forth                      │
       │ MYSQL_TEST_DIR   │ Full path to the           │
       │                  │ mariadb-test directory     │
       │                  │ where tests                │
       │                  │                 are being  │
       │                  │ run from                   │
       │ MYSQL_TMP_DIR    │ Path to temp directory     │
       │                  │ used for temporary files   │
       │                  │ during tests               │

       The variable MTR_PORT_BASE was added in MySQL 5.1.45 as a more
       logical replacement for MTR_BUILD_THREAD. It gives the actual port
       number directly (will be rounded down to a multiple of 10). If you
       use MTR_BUILD_THREAD, the port number is found by multiplying this
       by 10 and adding 10000.

       Tests sometimes rely on certain environment variables being
       defined. For example, certain tests assume that MARIADB-TEST is
       defined so that mariadb-test can invoke itself with exec

       Other tests may refer to the last three variables listed in the
       preceding table, to locate files to read or write. For example,
       tests that need to create files will typically put them in

       If you are running version 1 by setting
       MTR_VERSION, note that this only affects the test driver, not the
       test client (and its language) or the tests themselves.

       A few tests might not run with version 1 because they depend on
       some feature of version 2. You may have those tests skipped by
       adding the test name to the file lib/v1/incompatible.tests. This
       feature is available from MySQL 5.1.40. supports the options in the following list. An
       argument of -- tells not to process any
       following arguments as options.

       •   --help, -h

           Display a help message and exit.

       •   --big-test

           Allow tests marked as "big" to run. Tests can be thus marked
           by including the line --source include/, and they
           will only be run if this option is given, or if the
           environment variable BIG_TEST is set to 1. Repeat this option
           twice to run only "big" tests.

           This is typically used for tests that take a very long to run,
           or that use many resources, so that they are not suitable for
           running as part of a normal test suite run.

       •   --boot-dbx

           Run the mariadbd server used for bootstrapping the database
           through the dbx debugger.

       •   --boot-ddd

           Run the mariadbd server used for bootstrapping the database
           through the ddd debugger.

       •   --boot-gdb

           Run the mariadbd server used for bootstrapping the database
           through the gdb debugger.

       •   --[mtr-]build-thread=number

           Specify a number to calculate port numbers from. The formula
           is 10 * build_thread + 10000. Instead of a number, it can be
           set to auto, which is also the default value, in which case
  will allocate a number unique to this

           The value (number or auto) can also be set with the
           MTR_BUILD_THREAD environment variable.

           The more logical --port-base is supported as an alternative.

       •   --callgrind

           Instructs valgrind to use callgrind.

       •   --check-testcases

           Check test cases for side effects. This is done by checking
           system state before and after each test case; if there is any
           difference, a warning to that effect will be written, but the
           test case will not be marked as failed because of it. This
           check is enabled by default.

       •   --client-bindir=path

           The path to the directory where client binaries are located.

       •   --client-dbx

           Start mariadb-test in the dbx debugger.

       •   --client-ddd

           Start mariadb-test in the ddd debugger.

       •   --client-debugger=debugger

           Start mariadb-test in the named debugger.

       •   --client-gdb

           Start mariadb-test in the gdb debugger.

       •   --client-libdir=path

           The path to the directory where client libraries are located.

       •   --combination=value

           Extra options to pass to mariadbd. The value should consist of
           one or more comma-separated mariadbd options. This option is
           similar to --mariadbd but should be given two or more times.
  executes multiple test runs, using the
           options for each instance of --combination in successive runs.
           If --combination is given only once, it has no effect. For
           test runs specific to a given test suite, an alternative to
           the use of --combination is to create a combinations file in
           the suite directory. The file should contain a section of
           options for each test run.

       •   --comment=str

           Write str to the output within lines filled with #, as a form
           of banner.

       •   --compress

           Compress all information sent between the client and the
           server if both support compression.

       •   --cursor-protocol

           Use the cursor protocol between client and server (implies

       •   --dbx

           Start the mariadbd(s) in the dbx debugger.

       •   --ddd

           Start the mariadbd(s) in the ddd debugger.

       •   --debug

           Dump trace output for all clients and servers.

       •   --debug-common

           Same as --debug, but sets the 'd' debug flags to

       •   --debug-server

           Use debug version of server, but without turning on tracing.

       •   --debugger=debugger

           Start mariadbd using the named debugger.

       •   --debug-sync-timeout=N

           Controls whether the Debug Sync facility for testing and
           debugging is enabled. The option value is a timeout in
           seconds. The default value is 300. A value of 0 disables Debug
           Sync. The value of this option also becomes the default
           timeout for individual synchronization points.

  passes --loose-debug-sync-timeout=N to
           mariadbd. The --loose prefix is used so that mariadbd does not
           fail if Debug Sync is not compiled in.

       •   --defaults-file=file_name

           Use the named file as fixed config file template for all

       •   --defaults_extra_file=file_name

           Add setting from the named file to all generated configs.

       •   --do-test=prefix|regex

           Run all test cases having a name that begins with the given
           prefix value, or fulfils the regex. This option provides a
           convenient way to run a family of similarly named tests.

           The argument for the --do-test option also allows more
           flexible specification of which tests to perform. If the
           argument contains a pattern metacharacter other than a lone
           period, it is interpreted as a Perl regular expression and
           applies to test names that match the pattern. If the argument
           contains a lone period or does not contain any pattern
           metacharacters, it is interpreted the same way as previously
           and matches test names that begin with the argument value. For
           example, --do-test=testa matches tests that begin with testa,
           --do-test=main.testa matches tests in the main test suite that
           begin with testa, and --do-test=main.*testa matches test names
           that contain main followed by testa with anything in between.
           In the latter case, the pattern match is not anchored to the
           beginning of the test name, so it also matches names such as

       •   --dry-run

           Don't run any tests, print the list of tests that were
           selected for execution.

       •   --embedded-server

           Use a version of mariadb-test built with the embedded server.

       •   --enable-disabled

           Ignore any disabled.def file, and also run tests marked as
           disabled. Success or failure of those tests will be reported
           the same way as other tests.

       •   --experimental=file_name

           Specify a file that contains a list of test cases that should
           be displayed with the [ exp-fail ] code rather than [ fail ]
           if they fail.

           For an example of a file that might be specified via this
           option, see mariadb-test/collections/default.experimental.

       •   --extern option=value

           Use an already running server. The option/value pair is what
           is needed by the mariadb client to connect to the server. Each
           --extern option can only take one option/value pair as an
           argument, so you need to repeat --extern for each pair needed.

                     ./ --extern socket=var/tmp/mariadbd.1.sock alias

           Note: If a test case has an .opt file that requires the server
           to be restarted with specific options, the file will not be
           used. The test case likely will fail as a result.

       •   --fast

           Do not perform controlled shutdown when servers need to be
           restarted or at the end of the test run. This is equivalent to
           using --shutdown-timeout=0.

       •   --force-restart

           Always restart servers between tests.

       •   --force

           Normally, exits if a test case fails.
           --force causes execution to continue regardless of test case

       •   --gcov

           Collect coverage information after the test. The result is a
           gcov file per source and header file.

       •   --gcov-src-dir

           Colllect coverage only within the given subdirectory. For
           example, if you're only developing the SQL layer, it makes
           sense to use --gcov-src-dir=sql.

       •   --gdb

           Start the mariadbd(s) in the gdb debugger.

       •   --gprof

           Collect profiling information using the gprof profiling tool.

       •   --manual-dbx

           Use a server that has already been started by the user in the
           dbx debugger.

       •   --manual-ddd

           Use a server that has already been started by the user in the
           ddd debugger.

       •   --manual-debug

           Use a server that has already been started by the user in a

       •   --manual-gdb

           Use a server that has already been started by the user in the
           gdb debugger.

       •   --manual-lldb

           Use a server that has already been started by the user in the
           lldb debugger.

       •   --mark-progress

           Marks progress with timing (in milliseconds) and line number
           in var/log/testname.progress.

       •   --max-connections=num

           The maximum number of simultaneous server connections that may
           be used per test. If not set, the maximum is 128. Minimum
           allowed limit is 8, maximum is 5120. Corresponds to the same
           option for mariadb-test.

       •   --max-save-core=N

           Limit the number of core files saved, to avoid filling up
           disks in case of a frequently crashing server. Defaults to 5,
           set to 0 for no limit. May also be set with the environment
           variable MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE

       •   --max-save-datadir=N

           Limit the number of data directories saved after failed tests,
           to avoid filling up disks in case of frequent failures.
           Defaults to 20, set to 0 for no limit. May also be set with
           the environment variable MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATADIR

       •   --max-test-fail=N

           Stop execution after the specified number of tests have
           failed, to avoid using up resources (and time) in case of
           massive failures. retries are not counted, nor are failures of
           tests marked experimental. Defaults to 10, set to 0 for no
           limit. May also be set with the environment variable

       •   --mem

           This option is not supported on Windows.

           Run the test suite in memory, using tmpfs or ramdisk. This can
           decrease test times significantly, in particular if you would
           otherwise be running over a remote file system.
  attempts to find a suitable location using
           a built-in list of standard locations for tmpfs and puts the
           var directory there. This option also affects placement of
           temporary files, which are created in var/tmp.

           The default list includes /dev/shm. You can also enable this
           option by setting the environment variable MTR_MEM[=dir_name].
           If dir_name is given, it is added to the beginning of the list
           of locations to search, so it takes precedence over any
           built-in locations.

           Once you have run tests with --mem within a
           mariadb-testdirectory, a soflink var will have been set up to
           the temporary directory, and this will be re-used the next
           time, until the soflink is deleted. Thus, you do not have to
           repeat the --mem option next time.

       •   --mariadbd=value

           Extra options to pass to mariadbd. The value should consist of
           one or more comma-separated mariadbd options.

       •   --mariadbd-env=VAR=VAL

           Specify additional environment settings for "mariadbd". Use
           additional --mariadbd-env options to set more than one

       •   --nocheck-testcases

           Disable the check for test case side effects; see
           --check-testcases for a description.

       •   --noreorder

           Do not reorder tests to reduce number of restarts, but run
           them in exactly the order given. If a whole suite is to be
           run, the tests are run in alphabetical order, though similar
           combinations will be grouped together. If more than one suite
           is listed, the tests are run one suite at a time, in the order

       •   --notimer

           Cause mariadb-test not to generate a timing file. The effect
           of this is that the report from each test case does not
           include the timing in milliseconds as it normally does.

       •   --nowarnings

           Do not look for and report errors and warning in the server

       •   --parallel={N|auto}

           Run tests using N parallel threads. By default, 1 thread is
           used. Use --parallel=auto for auto-setting of N.

       •   --[mtr-]port-base=P

           Specify base of port numbers to be used; a block of 10 will be
           allocated.  P should be divisible by 10; if it is not, it will
           be rounded down. If running with more than one parallel test
           thread, thread 2 will use the next block of 10 and so on.

           If the port number is given as auto, which is also the
           default, will allocate a number unique to
           this host. The value may also be given with the environment
           variable MTR_PORT_BASE.

           If both --build-thread and --port-base are used, --port-base
           takes precedence.

       •   --print-testcases

           Do not run any tests, but print details about all tests, in
           the order they would have been run.

       •   --ps-protocol

           Use the binary protocol between client and server.

       •   --record

           Pass the --record option to mariadb-test. This option requires
           a specific test case to be named on the command line.

       •   --reorder

           Reorder tests to minimize the number of server restarts
           needed. This is the default behavior. There is no guarantee
           that a particular set of tests will always end up in the same

       •   --repeat=N

           Run each test N number of times.

       •   --report-features

           First run a "test" that reports MariaDB features, displaying
           the output of SHOW ENGINES and SHOW VARIABLES. This can be
           used to verify that binaries are built with all required

       •   --report-times

           Report how much time has been spent on different phases of
           test execution.

       •   --retry=N

           If a test fails, it is retried up to a maximum of N runs
           (default 1). Retries are also limited by the maximum number of
           failures before stopping, set with the --retry-failure option.
           This option has no effect unless --force is also used; without
           it, test execution will terminate after the first failure.

           The --retry and --retry-failure options do not affect how many
           times a test repeated with --repeat may fail in total, as each
           repetition is considered a new test case, which may in turn be
           retried if it fails.

       •   --retry-failure=N

           When using the --retry option to retry failed tests, stop when
           N failures have occurred (default 2). Setting it to 0 or 1
           effectively turns off retries.

       •   --shutdown-timeout=SECONDS

           Max number of seconds to wait for servers to do controlled
           shutdown before killing them. Default is 10.

       •   --skip-combinations

           Do not apply combinations; ignore combinations file or option.

       •   --skip-rpl

           Skip replication test cases.

       •   --skip-ssl

           Do not start mariadbd with support for SSL connections.

       •   --skip-test=regex|regex

           Specify a regular expression to be applied to test case names.
           Cases with names that match the expression are skipped. tests
           to skip.

           The argument for the --skip-test option allows more flexible
           specification of which tests to skip. If the argument contains
           a pattern metacharacter other than a lone period, it is
           interpreted as a Perl regular expression and applies to test
           names that match the pattern. See the description of the
           --do-test option for details.

       •   --skip-test-list=FILE

           Skip the tests listed in FILE. Each line in the file is an
           entry and should be formatted as: <TESTNAME> : <COMMENT>

       •   --skip-*

           --skip-* options not otherwise recognized by
  are passed to the master server.

       •   --sleep=N

           Pass --sleep=N to mariadb-test.

       •   --sp-protocol

           Create a stored procedure to execute all queries.

       •   --ssl

           If is started with the --ssl option, it
           sets up a secure connection for all test cases. In this case,
           if mariadbd does not support SSL, exits
           with an error message: Couldn't find support for SSL

       •   --staging-run

           Run a limited number of tests (no slow tests). Used for
           running staging trees with valgrind.

       •   --start

           Initialize and start servers with the startup settings for the
           specified test case. You can use this option to start a server
           to which you can connect later. For example, after building a
           source distribution you can start a server and connect to it
           with the mariadb client like this:

               shell> cd mariadb-test
               shell> ./ --start alias &
               shell> ../mariadb -S ./var/tmp/master.sock -h localhost -u root

           If no tests are named on the command line, the server(s) will
           be started with settings for the first test that would have
           been run without the --start option.

  will stop once the server has been
           started, but will terminate if the server dies. If killed, it
           will also shut down the server.

       •   --start-and-exit

           Same --start, but mariadb-test-run terminates and leaves just
           the server running.

       •   --start-dirty

           This is similar to --start, but will skip the database
           initialization phase and assume that database files are
           already available. Usually this means you must have run
           another test first.

       •   --start-from=test_name

  sorts the list of names of the test cases
           to be run, and then begins with test_name.

       •   --strace

           Run the "mariadbd" executables using strace. Default options
           are -f -o var/log/'mariadbd-name'.strace.

       •   --strace-client

           Create strace output for mariadb-test, optionally specifying
           name and path to the trace program to use.

           Example: ./ --strace-client=ktrace

       •   --strace-option=ARGS

           Option to give strace, replaces default option(s).

       •   --stress=ARGS

           Run stress test, providing options to
           Options are separated by comma.

       •   --suite[s]=suite_name...

           Comma separated list of suite names to run. The default is:

       •   --stop-file=file

           If this file is detected, mariadb-test will not start new
           tests until the file is removed (also MTR_STOP_FILE
           environment variable).

       •   --stop-keep-alive=sec

           Works with --stop-file, print messages every sec seconds when
           mariadb-test is waiting to remove the file (for buildbot)
           (also MTR_STOP_KEEP_ALIVE environment variable).

       •   --suite-timeout=minutes

           Specify the maximum test suite runtime in minutes. The default
           is 360.

       •   --testcase-timeout

           Specify the maximum test case runtime in minutes. The default
           is 15.

       •   --timediff

           Used with --timestamp, also print time passed since the
           previous test started.

       •   --timer

           Cause mariadb-test to generate a timing file. The default file
           is named ./var/log/timer.

       •   --timestamp

           Prints a timestamp before the test case name in each test
           report line, showing when the test ended.

       •   --tmpdir=path

           The directory where temporary file are stored. The default
           location is ./var/tmp. The environment variable MYSQL_TMP_DIR
           will be set to the path for this directory, whether it has the
           default value or has been set explicitly. This may be referred
           to in tests.

       •   --user=user_name

           The MariaDB user name to use when connecting to the server
           (default root).

       •   --user-args

           In combination with start* and no test name, drops arguments
           to mariadbd except those specified with --mariadbd (if any).

       •   --valgrind[-all]

           Run mariadb-test and mariadbd with valgrind. This and the
           following --valgrind options require that the executables have
           been built with valgrind support.

       •   --valgrind-mariadbd

           Run the mariadbd server with valgrind.

       •   --valgrind-mariadb-test

           Run the mariadb-test and mariadb-client-test executables with

       •   --valgrind-option=str

           Option to give valgrind. Replaces default option(s). Can be
           specified more then once&.

       •   --valgrind-path=path

           Path to the valgrind executable.

       •   --vardir=path

           Specify the path where files generated during the test run are
           stored. The default location is ./var. The environment
           variable MYSQLTEST_VARDIR will be set to the path for this
           directory, whether it has the default value or has been set
           explicitly. This may be referred to in tests.

       •   --verbose

           Give more verbose output regarding test execution. Use the
           option twice to get even more output. Note that the output
           generated within each test case is not affected.

       •   --verbose-restart

           Write when and why servers are restarted between test cases.

       •   --view-protocol

           Create a view to execute all non updating queries.

       •   --vs-config=config_val

           Visual Studio configuration used to create executables
           (default: MTR_VS_CONFIG environment variable) This option is
           for Windows only.

       •   --wait-all

           If --start or --start-dirty is used, wait for all servers to
           exit before termination. Otherwise, it will terminate if one
           (of several) servers is restarted.

       •   --warnings

           Search the server log for errors or warning after each test
           and report any suspicious ones; if any are found, the test
           will be marked as failed. This is the default behavior, it may
           be turned off with --nowarnings.

COPYRIGHT         top

       Copyright © 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates, 2010-2024
       MariaDB Foundation

       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it
       and/or modify it only under the terms of the GNU General Public
       License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of
       the License.

       This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be
       useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
       See the GNU General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       along with the program; if not, write to the Free Software
       Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
       02110-1335 USA or see

SEE ALSO         top

       For more information, please refer to the MariaDB Knowledge Base,
       available online at

AUTHOR         top

       MariaDB Foundation (

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the MariaDB (MariaDB database server)
       project.  Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, see ⟨⟩.
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2025-02-02.  (At that time,
       the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2025-01-31.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there is
       a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

MariaDB 11.4                 3 September 2024         MARIADB-TEST-RUN(1)