dpkg-scansources(1) — Linux manual page


dpkg-scansources(1)            dpkg suite            dpkg-scansources(1)

NAME         top

       dpkg-scansources - create Sources index files

SYNOPSIS         top

       dpkg-scansources [option...] binary-dir [override-file [path-
       prefix]] > Sources

DESCRIPTION         top

       dpkg-scansources scans the given binary-dir for .dsc files.
       These are used to create a Debian source index, which is output
       to stdout.

       The override-file, if given, is used to set priorities in the
       resulting index stanzas and to override the maintainer field
       given in the .dsc files.  The file can be compressed (since dpkg
       1.15.5).  See deb-override(5) for the format of this file.

       Note: Since the override file is indexed by binary, not source
       packages, there's a bit of a problem here.  The current
       implementation uses the highest priority of all the binary
       packages produced by a .dsc file for the priority of the source
       package, and the override entry for the first binary package
       listed in the .dsc file to modify maintainer information.  This
       might change.

       The path-prefix, if given, is prepended to the directory field in
       the generated source index.  You generally use this to make the
       directory fields contain the path from the top of the Debian
       archive hierarchy.

       Note: If you want to access the generated Sources file with
       apt(8) you will probably need to compress the file with gzip(1)
       (generating a Sources.gz file).  apt(8) ignores uncompressed
       Sources files except on local access (i.e.  file:// sources).

OPTIONS         top

       -n, --no-sort
           Do not sort the index stanzas.  Normally they are sorted by
           source package name.

       -e, --extra-override file
           Scan file to find supplementary overrides (since dpkg 1.15.4;
           the file can be compressed since dpkg 1.15.5).  See
           deb-extra-override(5) for more information on its format.

       -s, --source-override file
           Use file as the source override file (the file can be
           compressed since dpkg 1.15.5).  The default is the name of
           the override file you specified with .src appended.

           The source override file is in a different format from the
           binary override file.  It contains only two whitespace
           separated fields, the first is the source package name and
           the second is the section.  Blank lines and comment lines are
           ignored in the normal manner.  If a package appears in both
           files the source override takes precedence for setting the

           Turn debugging on.

           Show the usage message and exit.

           Show the version and exit.

ENVIRONMENT         top

           Sets the color mode (since dpkg 1.18.5).  The currently
           accepted values are: auto (default), always and never.

           If set, it will be used to decide whether to activate Native
           Language Support, also known as internationalization (or
           i18n) support (since dpkg 1.19.0).  The accepted values are:
           0 and 1 (default).

SEE ALSO         top

       deb-override(5), deb-extra-override(5), dpkg-scanpackages(1).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the dpkg (Debian Package Manager) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/⟩.  If you have a bug report
       for this manual page, see
       ⟨http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=dpkg⟩.  This
       page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository ⟨git
       clone https://git.dpkg.org/git/dpkg/dpkg.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2024-05-21.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

1.22.6-77-g86fe7               2024-03-10            dpkg-scansources(1)

Pages that refer to this page: dpkg-scanpackages(1)deb-extra-override(5)deb-override(5)