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Symbol Versioning


We demonstrate the use of symbol versioning via an example...

First we create a library that contains a single definition of a function, and build that library with a version script:

bash$ cat sv_lib_v1.c

void xyz(void) { printf("v1 xyz\n"); }
bash$ cat
VER_1 {
        global: xyz;
        local:  *;      # Hide all other symbols

bash$ gcc -g -c -fPIC -Wall sv_lib_v1.c
bash$ gcc -g -shared -o sv_lib_v1.o \

The symbols listed under VER_1 are associated with that tag.

We then build a program that uses "version 1" of our function:

bash$ cat sv_prog.c
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    void xyz(void);

bash$ gcc -g -o p1 sv_prog.c

Running the program produces the expected result:

bash$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./p1
v1 xyz

Suppose we want to modify the definition of our function xyz(), but still want to ensure that p1 continues to use the old definition.

We create a modified version of the shared library source file:

bash$ cat sv_lib_v2.c

__asm__(".symver xyz_old,xyz@VER_1");
__asm__(".symver xyz_new,xyz@@VER_2");

void xyz_old(void) { printf("v1 xyz\n"); }

void xyz_new(void) { printf("v2 xyz\n"); }

void pqr(void) { printf("v2 pqr()\n"); }
bash$ cat
VER_1 {
        global: xyz;
        local:  *;      # Hide all other symbols

VER_2 {
        global: xyz; pqr;
        local:  *;      # Hide all other symbols

(C) 2006, Michael Kerrisk